
About StratiClear

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Hi, I’m Elle Gee…Chief Strategist. 

Technology is changing everything.

ChatGPT achieved 1 million users in 5 days. Midjourney is emulating humanity’s finest artists at the stroke of a typed text prompt. A very nascent decentralized, blockchain-based internet — AKA Web3 — is already changing how we relate, buy, and communicate.

Add to this the convergence of other burgeoning exponential technologies – cryptography, electrification, tokenization, DAO governance, and the 2020’s won’t be remembered for gentle change. This decade is going to blow our collective hair back.

My experience runs the gamut from startups to Fortune 500 high-tech companies, spanning every kind of marketing you can imagine, and this shift is the most exciting development I’ve seen since, well…ever. The “business as usual” approach of staying competitive may not be enough to keep apace of exponential progress of the visionaries. What is unfolding is a nothing short of a new paradigm in human organization and The Internet of Value — the silver lining behind the Fourth Turning clouds. And it’s going to be a wild, wild ride.

This is the way.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

The drive toward excellence cannot be conferred — it must come from within and be a satisfying end in itself.

Combining this approach with a human-centric view produces remarkable outcomes. We have access to so much data, but humans don’t behave like numbers — we have desires, dreams, needs and feelings. 

With human experience as the north star, and excellence as the rudder, navigating toward success gets a lot easier.

Core Values


It may be surprising, but empathy is central to your marketing goals. Success is born of authentic connections with your customers and prospects, and connection is all about being able to see the world through their eyes — through the lens of their needs, desires, dreams, and challenges.


There is a difference between iterative work and sloppy work, and some of us know the difference. Excellence means being thoughtful, resourceful, and doing the hard work — from planning to details. Sometimes the right thing is also the hard thing, and smart organizations are willing to step up to the plate.


Curiosity is the foundation of lateral thinking — from which all innovation and genius problem-solving is born. Having a narrow focus is so 1990’s — a healthy dose of curiosity is the secret ingredient that helps teams break out of ingrained patterns, think differently, and explore new possibilities.

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